Middle East & North Africa


Conflict and Fragility


Guns, seats, and protests: Political reform in the Middle East

28 Feb 2022 - 09:42
Prospects for political reform in the Middle East
Little political reform appears to have taken place after the Arab Spring. Socio-economic problems grow, political orders have become more rather than less authoritarian. Listen to the podcast

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Conflict and Fragility

Policy briefs

Politicking in Doha

31 Jan 2022 - 15:35
Source: Secretary Kerry Participates in a Multilateral Meeting About Syria in Paris / State Department photo
But will the Syrian opposition shift to more pragmatic diplomacy?
This policy brief sheds light on the internal politicking behind the Doha workshop of part of the Syrian opposition on 4 February 2022, and outlines how it can re-energise its political strategy.


Conflict and Fragility

Reports and papers

Development, governance and conflict trends in the Middle East

31 Jan 2022 - 13:48
Source: Mecca: Khadim-un-nabi Rao / Tehran: Ninara / Ankara: LivinAWestLife / Baghdad: Jim Gordan (USACE) © Wikimedia Commons, image edited by Textcetera.
Cassandra calling?
This report takes stock of socio-economic, governance and geopolitical trends in the Middle East to assess risks of instability and conflict. Both are likely to get worse in the near-term as unresolved conflict drivers are joined by economic deterioration across the region while its political orders remain solidly authoritarian.




Bescherming vluchtelingen in de Afghaanse regio

27 Jan 2022 - 12:48
Source: Evacués uit Afghanistan zitten in een militair vliegtuig tijdens de evacuatie uit Kaboel ©Reuters
De TweedeKamer debatteert 31 mei over toekomstige hulp aan Afghanistan. Het is essentieel dat de regering komt met een concreet plan voor betere vluchtelingenbescherming in de Afghaanse regio. Lees de alert door Monika Sie Dhian Ho en Myrthe Wijnkoop.


Security and Defence

Policy briefs

Beyond Turkey’s ‘zero problems’ policy

19 Jan 2022 - 10:52
Motives, means and impact of the interventions in Syria, Libya and the South Caucasus
Since the Arab uprisings in 2011, but especially after the failed coup d’état in 2016, Turkey’s foreign policy has shifted from ‘zero problems’ to the pursuit of strategic depth and autonomy in its neighbourhood.


Conflict and Fragility

Reports and papers

The Saudi-Emirati axis and the preservation of regional order

11 Jan 2022 - 17:05
Source: Reuters
‘This report analyses how the Saudi-Emirati axis has successfully managed to maintain a monarchical/authoritarian pole in the region’s political order after the Arab Uprisings, and what implications this has for reform as well as geopolitical competition across the Middle East.’


Europe in the World


Christmas Reads & Webinars 2021

23 Dec 2021 - 16:31
This year, our experts have carried out state-of-the-art research and shared their expertise in lots of webinars. Take your pick of our most popular publications and webinars of 2021. We wish you Happy Holidays!


Conflict and Fragility

Policy briefs

Infrastructure development in fragile settings

23 Dec 2021 - 11:33
Source: Contractors are seen walk past near the construction site of Karuma 600 megawatts hydroelectric power project under construction on River Nile. © Reuters
If you want to go far, go together

In fragile and conflict-affected settings (FCAS), infrastructure development is a sharp double-edged sword: it can foster sustainable and inclusive development, but it can also exacerbate fragility and conflict.


Conflict and Fragility

Reports and papers

Strategizing EU engagement with Syrian diaspora CSO's

04 Oct 2021 - 16:39
Source: Syrians carry their belongings as they cross back into Syria at the Syrian-Turkish border crossing of Bab al-Hawa in Idlib province, Syria ©Reuters

This report was independently researched for the Friedrich Ebert Stiftung and can be downloaded here.


Conflict and Fragility

Policy briefs

Turkey’s interventions in its near abroad: The case of Libya

16 Sep 2021 - 17:18
Source: Shutterstock
While Turkey has achieved its short- to medium-term objectives and is likely to retain a substantial permanent military, commercial and political presence in Libya, it also created tensions with the EU and US as well as antagonizing the LNA’s international backers.An improvement in Turkey’s geostrategic position might have come at the cost of its regional strategic relations.