Middle East & North Africa


Conflict and Fragility

Guns, seats and protests: political reform in the Middle East
17 Nov 2021 15:00 - 17:00
Source: Tahrir Square, Mohmmd Abd / Wikimedia Commons
The expert dialogue series examines prospects for political reform across the contemporary Middle East by developing a conceptual approach for study.


Conflict and Fragility

Policy briefs

Turkey's interventions in its near abroad: The case of Idlib

06 Sep 2021 - 10:34
Source: Syrians in protest climb atop a Turkish military M60T tank as they attempt to block traffic on the M4 highway on March 15, 2020. Karam Almasri / Shutterstock.com
This policy brief provides a post-mortem of the Turkish Operation Spring Shield in Idlib (Syria) in February 2020


Security and Defence


Expert insights: Afghanistan

30 Aug 2021 - 17:00
Source: People try to get into Hamid Karzai International Airport in Kabul, Afghanistan August 16, 2021. REUTERS
Our experts offer their assessments on recent developments in Afghanistan. To navigate through the latest news and place the happenings in a broader perspective, we have created a compilation of articles and 'in the media' expert comments. 


Conflict and Fragility


Qassem Musleh and Iraq's popular mobilization forces

25 Aug 2021 - 12:22
Source: Iraqi Army and Hashed al-Shaabi (Popular Mobilization Forces of Iraq) fighting against the Islamic State in Saladin Governorate. © Tasnim News Agency (Photo by Ahmad Shamloo Fard)
Warning signs

This commentary has previously been published by War on the Rocks.


Climate Change

Climate change: Entry point for regional peace in the Middle East
02 Sep 2021 16:00 - 17:00
Source: Jordan River devastation, EcoPeace Middle East
Climate change is hitting the Middle East region hard with unbearable temperatures, water scarcity, desertification and saltwater intrusion undermining local food production. How could a focus on climate adaptation and mitigation be used as an entry point for bringing together people that otherwise might hardly talk to each other?


Conflict and Fragility

Special lecture by Yemen's Minister of Foreign Affairs
07 Sep 2021 16:00 - 17:00
Source: Minister of Foreign and Expatriates Affairs of Yemen Dr. Ahmed bin Mubarak
The Minister of Foreign and Expatriates Affairs of Yemen Dr. Ahmed bin Mubarak will present a special lecture entitled 'The chance for peace in Yemen'.


Conflict and Fragility

Policy briefs

Fruitless cherry picking? EU support for the Syrian opposition

28 Jul 2021 - 09:33
Source: A man holding an opposition flag gestures during a demonstration against Syria's President Bashar al-Assad and presidential elections, in the opposition-held Idlib, Syria May 26, 2021. © Reuters
This brief examines the evolution of EU engagement with the Coalition for Syrian Revolutionary and Opposition Forces (Etilaf) and outlines pathways for future engagement.


Conflict and Fragility

Policy briefs

The UAE and China in the Horn of Africa

24 Jun 2021 - 17:23
Source: The container terminal at the Port of Djibouti, Djibouti / Wikimedia Commons
Implications for EU engagement
Over the last decade, the UAE and China have vastly expanded their economic, political and military footprint in the Horn of Africa, and their actions now have the potential to shape developments in the region.



Reports and papers

Gedeeld belang bij circulaire migratie

23 Jun 2021 - 14:00
Naar duurzame partnerschappen
Om meer controle te krijgen over migratie heeft Nederland belang bij goede samenwerking met landen van herkomst en transit. Circulaire migratie kan aan zo’n migratiepartnerschap bijdragen.


Security and Defence


Expert Insights: Transatlantic Relations

16 Jun 2021 - 09:00
Source: G7 Summit Family Photo, Pool for Yomiuri / The Yomiuri Shimbun via Reuters Connect
US President Joe Biden has completed his trip to Europe attending the G7, NATO Summit, US-EU summit and to meet Russian President Vladimir Putin. Check out our most recent publications and appearances in the media.