Middle East & North Africa


Conflict and Fragility

Reports and papers

Review of UN peace operations support to security sector reform

19 May 2022 - 09:37
Source: Women, Peace and Security: Security Council Open Debate 2019, UN Women / Ryan Brown
Towards Better Security Governance: Learning from the Road Travelled
This report examines the extent to which the development of Security Sector Reform (SSR) policy at the United Nations over the past 15 years has shaped SSR interventions of peacekeeping operations.


Conflict and Fragility

Policy briefs

A stubborn threat: Islamic State in Iraq in early 2022

17 May 2022 - 10:41
Source: A man rides a bicycle near buildings destroyed during past fighting with Islamic State militants, in the old city of Mosul, Iraq February 1, 2022. REUTERS
In the four years since its territorial defeat, Islamic State (IS) has proved to be resilient as it continues to mount attacks across Iraq. Counter-terrorism (CT) operations decreased in volume over the same period but are nevertheless keeping IS in check.

Hamidreza Azizi

Research Associate
Associates are experts in their own field and contractually affiliated with Clingendael. Although associates are not employees of the Clingendael Institute, they comply with all policies that Clingendael staff do.


  • Conflict and Fragility
  • Security and Justice


  • Middle East & North Africa
  • Russia & Central Asia

Dr. Hamidreza Azizi is a Visiting Fellow at the German Institute for International and Security Affairs (SWP) in Berlin. He was an Assistant Professor of Regional Studies at Shahid Beheshti University (2016-2020) and a guest lecturer at the department of Regional Studies in the University of Tehran (2016-2018). His research interests include security and geopolitical issues in the Middle East and Central Eurasia, Iran’s foreign policy and Iran-Russia relations. Azizi holds a Ph.D. in Regional Studies from the University of Tehran.

My work



Conflict and Fragility

Iran’s transition six months on: Repression meets resilience

28 September 2023 - 16:14
Conflict and Fragility

Fifty shades of hardliners: Intra-elite dynamics in Iran

26 July 2023 - 12:39
Conflict and Fragility

Expert Insights: Iran

30 June 2023 - 10:40
Conflict and Fragility

East of Eden: Will Tehran find salvation in ‘looking eastwards’?

25 April 2023 - 15:44
Conflict and Fragility

Lost in transition: Where might Iran be heading?

23 March 2023 - 11:55
Conflict and Fragility

Protests in Iran in comparative perspective

08 March 2023 - 09:31
Show more Publications


Conflict and Fragility

Stabilizing northern Syria: try a pragmatic & gradual approach
03 May 2022 14:00 - 15:30
Source: Civilians returning to Tell Abyad, Syria in June 2015 ©VOA photo/Wikimedia Commons
The problem that this event will grapple with is how Western countries can encourage and support better connectivity between the different parts of northern Syria to alleviate urgent humanitarian and developmental needs.


Conflict and Fragility


Coercive organisations, war and state development in the Levant

29 Mar 2022 - 15:49
Source: Cpl. John Baker/EPA/Sözcü/ Kurdishstruggle
This webpage brings together research efforts of the Middle East team of Clingendael’s Conflict Research Unit (CRU) that focused on the rise and role of hybrid coercive organisations in Syria and Iraq between 2017 and 2021.


Europe in the World

Event: A new formula for collaboration- Turkey, EU & North Africa
05 Apr 2022 14:00 - 15:15
Source: Source: Texcetera
In recent years, EU-Turkey relations have been fluctuating, leading to a relationship which seems to be driven more by crisis management than by equal partnership. Yet, despite this downward spiral, both blocs remain key partners on various domains and repeatedly expressed their interest in developing a more cooperative and constructive relationship. Cor-organised with Sabancı University.

Caspar Wanders

Academy Programme Fellow


  • Humanitarian negotiation
  • Negotiation & mediation in conflict resolution
  • Economic and sustainable development


  • Asia
  • Middle East & North Africa
  • Sub Saharan Africa

Caspar Wanders joined the Clingendael Institute as an AAcademy Programme Fellow in March 2022. In this capacity, Caspar coordinates and develops a variety of training programs for different audiences, such as foreign diplomats, humanitarian workers, private sector professionals, and government officials.



Clingendael Leest: Klimaatgeneraal van Tom Middendorp
24 Mar 2022 17:00 - 18:00
Source: Unsplash
“Niet alleen oorlog vormt bedreiging voor wereldvrede, klimaat ook”. Graag nodigen we je uit voor de eerste ‘Clingendael Leest’ bijeenkomst voor een gesprek met de Klimaatgeneraal zelf, voormalig Commandant ter Strijdkrachten Tom Middendorp.


Conflict and Fragility

Policy briefs

Turkish interventions in its near abroad: The case of KRI (Iraq)

15 Mar 2022 - 12:17
Source: President Nechirvan Barzanimet in Ankara with Turkey’s President Erdoğan on 2 February 2022. © The Presidency of the Kurdistan Region - Iraq
The case of the Kurdistan region of Iraq
This policy brief examines the rationale, methods and impact of Turkish interventions in the Kurdistan Region of Iraq (2018-2021). These interventions are likely to increase regional instability because they put the Kurdistan Democratic Party (KDP) in an increasingly precarious position and will elicit a stronger Iranian response as they shift south.


Conflict and Fragility

Policy briefs

Evolving relations between Iran and the Kurdistan Region of Iraq

10 Mar 2022 - 11:14
Source: Kamal Chomani
Big brother is watching
This brief discusses the relation between the Kurdistan Region of Iraq (KRI) and Iran. It concludes that the relation will likely remain securitised in the short term. Deeper integration of the KRI into a federal Iraq can reduce some of the associated risks.