Sub Saharan Africa


Conflict and Fragility

Reports and papers

Les systèmes de justice coutumiers dans le Nord du Mali

24 Oct 2017 - 09:40
Source: robertoencini/Shutterstock

Le peuple malien a recours à de nombreux types de mécanismes de justice, qui sont pour certains liés à l’État, et pour d’autres dissociés de celui-ci, et qui servent à régler les conflits. Ceci a mené à la création d’un cadre judiciaire divers qui inclut tant ce qui est souvent décrit comme des acteurs  « officiels » – tels que les juges et avocats nommés par l’État – que les intervenants « traditionnels » – tels que les cadis, imans, chefs de village, chefs de famille et anciens.

Tobias von Lossow

Research Fellow


  • Europe in the World
  • Europe and the EU
  • Sustainability


  • Middle East & North Africa
  • Sub Saharan Africa

Expertise: Water and security, conflict and cooperation in transboundary river basins, hydro-politics, weaponization of water, natural resource management and socio-economic development.

My work




Three priorities for Iraq's water sector

22 June 2022 - 11:53

Book: Water and Conflict in the Middle East

25 November 2020 - 12:11
Europe in the World

Fears for militarisation of climate change

29 October 2020 - 10:12
Europe in the World

Five crises around Europe not to be forgotten despite Covid-19

04 August 2020 - 10:46

Military responses to climate change

17 March 2020 - 11:00
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Security and Defence

Combatting violent extremism in Palestine, Egypt and Iraq

18 November 2019 - 09:00

Ecological Peace in the Middle East: #Doable

04 July 2019 - 20:00

Water: from war strategy to asset for peace

16 February 2018 - 11:00



Conflict and Fragility

Reports and papers

Under the microscope: Customary justice systems in northern Mali

26 Jul 2017 - 17:21
Source: robertoencini/Shutterstock
Mali has a very diverse justice ecology with both formal as well as customary actors. This report reveals so far undocumented information on the customary justice systems in northern Mali.


Negotiation & mediation in conflict resolution

Training African Women Mediators
Source: Clingendael Academy
Training type
Training category
Negotiation & mediation in conflict resolution
In cooperation with the African Union, Clingendael Academy supports women’s effective participation in conflict mediation in Africa. We train the capacity of African women mediators and enhance insights on how to deal with the multitude of stakeholders around any peace process.


Conflict and Fragility

Conflict and Fragility

The Sahel Programme

02 Jul 2024 - 09:07
Source: Oxfam International/Flickr
Table of contents
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Commissioned research
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Clingendael's Sahel Programme focuses on security and survival under fragmented sovereignty in the greater Sahel region, and how intervention strategies can be better adjusted to these dynamics.

Clingendael's Sahel Programme focuses on security and survival under fragmented sovereignty in the greater Sahel region, and how intervention strategies can be better adjusted to these dynamics.

Conflict and Fragility

The Sahel’s new geopolitics

17 Jun 2024 - 11:29

Conflict and Fragility

Political unrest and migration in Senegal

30 Apr 2024 - 13:01

Europe in the World

Unravelling Turkish involvement in the Sahel

28 Jul 2023 - 13:36

Conflict and Fragility

Chief or Big-Man Politics in Post-War Sierra Leone?

21 Jul 2023 - 10:07

Conflict and Fragility

Twilight Institutions

10 May 2023 - 18:00

Conflict and Fragility

Malian army communications after massacres

21 Dec 2022 - 13:32

Conflict and Fragility

Self-defence groups, politics and the Sahelian State

14 Dec 2022 - 10:20

Conflict and Fragility

Conflict in the Penta-Border Area

30 Nov 2022 - 14:35

Conflict and Fragility
The Sahel’s new geopolitics
17 Jun 2024 - 11:29
Conflict and Fragility
Humanitarians’ migration conundrum
06 Aug 2021 - 09:01
Conflict and Fragility
Northern Benin and risk of violent extremist spillover
10 Jun 2021 - 12:00
Conflict and Fragility
Methodology Customary Characters in Uncustomary Circumstance
16 Feb 2022 - 15:54
Conflict and Fragility
The case of Burkina Faso’s Centre-Nord region
02 Mar 2022 - 09:00
Conflict and Fragility
Customary Characters in Uncustomary Circumstances
23 Mar 2022 - 10:50
Conflict and Fragility
Customary Legitimacy
14 Feb 2022 - 17:55
Conflict and Fragility
The case of Niger’s Tillabéri region
16 Mar 2022 - 10:24
Conflict and Fragility
The case of Burkina Faso’s Est region
16 Feb 2022 - 10:10
Conflict and Fragility
The case of Northeastern Mali
09 Mar 2022 - 11:57
Conflict and Fragility
The Volunteers for the Defense of the Homeland
09 Mar 2021 - 17:01
Conflict and Fragility
Pastoralist adaptation in Burkina Faso
22 Feb 2021 - 13:30
Conflict and Fragility
Methodology Customary Characters in Uncustomary Circumstance
16 Feb 2022 - 15:54
Conflict and Fragility
Towards mutually beneficial EU-West African migration cooperation
30 Nov 2020 - 12:25
Conflict and Fragility
Strategic Missteps: Learning From a Failed EU Sahel Strategy
09 Nov 2020 - 14:59
Conflict and Fragility
Politisiert Euch!
06 Nov 2020 - 11:41
Conflict and Fragility
The ‘Fight against Terrorism’ in the Sahel revisited
26 Oct 2020 - 09:00
Conflict and Fragility
Pandemic meets poverty: Pandemonium for pastoralists in the Sahel
10 Jul 2020 - 16:49
Trade and Globalisation
Le chant du cygne pour le Canada à l'ONU
30 Jun 2020 - 16:11
Conflict and Fragility
Burkina Faso: The role of vigilante groups in the 2020 elections
12 May 2020 - 09:44
Conflict and Fragility
Corona and the Sahel: Lessons from Ebola
07 May 2020 - 09:14
Conflict and Fragility
Burkina Faso’s Rocky Road to Democratic Consolidation
06 Apr 2020 - 09:15
Conflict and Fragility
Security sector stabilisation and development in Libya
02 Apr 2020 - 14:29
Conflict and Fragility
Legitimacy of traditional authorities: Mali, Niger and Libya
30 Sep 2019 - 11:21
Conflict and Fragility
Malian customary justice and international human rights
09 Apr 2018 - 16:16
Conflict and Fragility
Under the microscope: Customary justice systems in northern Mali
26 Jul 2017 - 17:21
Turning the tide
31 Jan 2017 - 13:12
Conflict and Fragility
ECFR Paris Podcast: Regional stability in the Sahel
13 Jun 2017 - 15:55
Conflict and Fragility
Conflict-sensitive and humane migration management in the Sahel
18 Dec 2018 - 13:41
Conflict and Fragility
A human rights approach to migration governance in the Sahel
12 Dec 2018 - 16:35
Strategic Foresight
Global Security Pulse: Migration & Security
31 May 2018 - 15:23
Conflict and Fragility
Why the EU should help former smugglers get a job
04 Apr 2018 - 11:19
Conflict and Fragility
Niger on the eve of elections
11 Feb 2016 - 17:36
Conflict and Fragility
Clingendael presents overview of results Sahel Programme
15 Jan 2016 - 13:11
Conflict and Fragility
Fix the unfixable: how to bring greater stability to the Sahel?
08 Jan 2016 - 10:10
Conflict and Fragility
Pluralisme juridique au Mali: acceptation et réconciliation
30 Nov 2015 - 13:56
Conflict and Fragility
Criminal justice in Mali in crisis: Steps for improvement
12 Nov 2015 - 13:29
Trade and Globalisation
China’s Evolving Role in Peacekeeping and African Security
14 Sep 2015 - 11:47
Conflict and Fragility
Addressing Libya’s multiple crises
03 Jul 2015 - 14:12
Conflict and Fragility
A snapshot of Mali three years after the 2012 crisis
08 Jun 2015 - 12:01
Conflict and Fragility
Islamic State franchising
20 Apr 2015 - 09:57
Conflict and Fragility
The roots of Mali's conflict: Moving beyond the 2012 crisis
13 Apr 2015 - 10:23
Conflict and Fragility
Commentary: Bamako’s new government
11 Feb 2015 - 16:10
Conflict and Fragility
Azawad and the rights of passage
12 Jan 2015 - 10:24
Conflict and Fragility
Commentary: Sergei Boeke discusses security in Mali
15 Dec 2014 - 12:00
Conflict and Fragility
Upgrading Peacekeeping to Counter Transnational Conflict Drivers
25 Sep 2014 - 17:52
Conflict and Fragility
The New Criminal Blitz: Mali, Iraq and the Business of Asymmetry
25 Jul 2014 - 09:07
Conflict and Fragility
Mali: kruitvat van wapens en grieven
06 Jun 2014 - 13:27
Conflict and Fragility
Crime after Jihad: illicit business in post-conflict Mali
15 May 2014 - 12:23
Conflict and Fragility
Sustainable Migration Management in the Sahel
29 Nov 2017 - 09:13
Conflict and Fragility
Roadmap for sustainable migration management in Agadez
11 Oct 2017 - 11:06
Conflict and Fragility
Feuille de route pour gestion de la migration durable à Agadez
11 Oct 2017 - 11:06
Conflict and Fragility
Resource conflicts and embattled traditional authorities in Mali
23 Jul 2018 - 22:45
Conflict and Fragility
Malian customary justice and international human rights
09 Apr 2018 - 16:16
Conflict and Fragility
Initiatives politiques de renforcement systèmes judiciaires Mali
14 Feb 2018 - 09:42
Conflict and Fragility
Policy initiatives to strengthen customary justice in Mali
06 Feb 2018 - 16:05
Conflict and Fragility
Why securitising the Sahel will not stop migration
22 Jan 2018 - 17:00
Conflict and Fragility
Under the microscope: Customary justice systems in northern Mali
26 Jul 2017 - 17:21
Conflict and Fragility
Deterring the influence of organized crime on political parties
11 Oct 2016 - 14:25
Conflict and Fragility
Deterring the Influence of Organized Crime on Elections
11 Oct 2016 - 13:55
Conflict and Fragility
Working with informal justice
16 Jan 2017 - 10:55
Conflict and Fragility
New ways to respond to violent conflicts
31 May 2016 - 10:38
Conflict and Fragility
Crisis Alerts Libya
30 Nov 2017 - 12:20
Conflict and Fragility
Improving decentralised natural resource management in the Sahel
29 Jun 2020 - 10:22
Conflict and Fragility
Decentralisation amidst hybrid governance: Case of Northern Mali
09 Jun 2020 - 11:20
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Staff involved
Mariska van Beijnum
Senior Research Fellow
Kars de Bruijne
Senior Research Fellow
Erwin van Veen
Senior Research Fellow
Anette Hoffmann
Senior Research Fellow
Megan Price
Head Conflict Research Unit
Frans-Paul van der Putten
Senior Research Associate


Conflict and Fragility

Conflict and Fragility

Migration & conflict

02 Jul 2024 - 09:07
Table of contents
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Commissioned research
Back to overview

CRU’s Migration and Conflict Programme looks into how migration forms a response to – but also is a driver of – conflict and stability dynamics, and how migration policies can be designed in a humane and conflict-sensitive manner.

CRU’s Migration and Conflict Programme looks into how migration forms a response to – but also is a driver of – conflict and stability dynamics, and how migration policies can be designed in a humane and conflict-sensitive manner.

Conflict and Fragility

How smartphones help Syrian refugees in Lebanon

30 Jul 2018 - 08:26

Conflict and Fragility

Social capital in the lives of Syrian refugees in Lebanon

26 Feb 2018 - 16:06

Conflict and Fragility

Sustainable Migration Management in the Sahel

29 Nov 2017 - 09:13

Conflict and Fragility

Roadmap for sustainable migration management in Agadez

11 Oct 2017 - 11:06


Turning the tide

31 Jan 2017 - 13:12

Conflict and Fragility
The effects of Syrian Armenian economic integration in Armenia
01 Mar 2018 - 12:34
Conflict and Fragility
ECFR Paris Podcast: Regional stability in the Sahel
13 Jun 2017 - 15:55
Europe and the EU
De mythes van de migratiecrisis
31 Jan 2017 - 21:59
Conflict and Fragility
The Khartoum process: Shifting the burden
22 Feb 2016 - 15:10
Conflict and Fragility
London and Lampedusa, the two extremes
22 Oct 2013 - 14:59
Trade and Globalisation
Nederlandse grenzen voor migranten zijn een gepasseerd station
20 Sep 2012 - 11:41
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Conflict and Fragility


The politics of security sector reform in the Sahel

01 May 2017 - 16:16
Source: Wikimedia Commons
Much of the security reform efforts in the Sahel remain ineffective, mostly because of their lack of political focus, understanding and engagement.


Security and Defence

Reports and papers

Central African Republic: A conflict misunderstood

13 Apr 2017 - 12:40
Source: Wikimedia Commons
Crises in CAR have for decades been mischaracterised, mismanaged, or forgotten by the international community. Today, there exists a closing window of opportunity to build on recent political developments and begin CAR down a road towards national reconciliation.


Trade and Globalisation

Women's role and participation in mediation
Europe/Amsterdam 06 2017 18:30
Source: UNAMID/flickr
The position of women in peace and reconciliation processes is often undervalued. This event focuses on the special role of women in mediation presenting insight on practicing mediation in the field.



Reports and papers

Turning the tide

31 Jan 2017 - 13:12
Current EU policies are misaligned with the reality of trans-Saharan migration as they do not take into account the diversity of intra-African migration.