Sub Saharan Africa


Conflict and Fragility


La politique migratoire de l’UE, facteur d’instabilité au Sahel ?

28 May 2018 - 14:48
Source: Pixabay
Article de fond en offrant une analyse de l'impact des politiques de l'UE pour gérer les flux migratoires dans les pays d'origine et de transit avec l'exemple d'Agadez au Niger.


Conflict and Fragility

Policy briefs

Malian customary justice and international human rights

09 Apr 2018 - 16:16
Source: Mosque of Kani Bonzon, Mali by Marco Bellucci-flickr
Between ideals and needs: is Malian customary justice incompatible with international human rights standards?
Customary justice systems are not incompatible with human rights standards. This Policy Brief shows how efforts to improve access to justice should be led by the needs of local communities.

Annelieke van de Wiel

Senior Academy Fellow


  • Diplomatic practice
  • Negotiation & mediation in conflict resolution
  • Personal effectiveness


  • Middle East & North Africa
  • Sub Saharan Africa

Annelieke van de Wiel works as a trainer and Senior Academy Fellow for the Clingendael Academy, primarily within the Clingendael Peace Negotiations Programme. She designs, coordinates and provides training in capacity strengthening programmes for negotiators, mediators and mediation support officers to build peace and prevent conflict.


Conflict and Fragility

Customary mediation and engagement in Mali
10 Apr 2018 09:00 - 17:00
Source: Guillaume Colin & Pauline Penot / flickr
Event on customary mediation in fragile environments, more specifically on engagement in Mali.


Conflict and Fragility

Policy briefs

Why securitising the Sahel will not stop migration

22 Jan 2018 - 17:00
Source: Wikimedia Commons - Arakao1
Analysis on the implications of EU policies regarding the securitisation of migration and the intensification of military intervention in the Sahel.




Podcast: Rhissa Feltou, mayor of Agadez on Migration and the EU

14 Dec 2017 - 13:37
Source: Boris Kester
Rhissa Feltou, mayor of Agadez (Niger), discusses with Clingendael expert Anca-Elena Ursu migration dynamics in his city, the impact of EU policies and his action plans for the community.

Listen to the podcast:



Policy briefs

Mali's fertile grounds for conflict

07 Dec 2017 - 10:51
Source: Jessica Davis/flickr
Climate change and resource stress
This policy brief argues for a comprehensive approach to conflict-prevention in Mali, whereby local resource conflicts and drivers such as climate change and population growth need to be addressed.




The River Congo – Africa’s Sleeping Giant

16 Nov 2017 - 11:20
Source: United Nations / Flickr
Regional Integration and Intersectoral Conflicts in the Congo Basin
Making greater use of the waters of the Congo could boost development across – and beyond – the region, but threatens to favour particular users’ interests at the expense of others.




The Mugabe story and power in global health governance

14 Nov 2017 - 09:42
Source: Wikimedia Commons
WHO Director-General Tedros Ghebreyesus rescinded the appointment of Robert Mugabe, Zimbabwe’s longtime president, as a Goodwill Ambassador for Non-Communicable Diseases. What does this tell us about power in global health governance?


Conflict and Fragility


Eye of the Storm: Ethiopia Amid Middle Eastern Conflict

31 Oct 2017 - 10:13
Source: mariusz kluzniak / Flickr
Ethiopia is a ‘taker’ – not a ‘shaper’ – of developments in the Middle East, but it will have to up its diplomatic engagement in its own neighbourhood as well as in the Gulf to manage risks and turn them into opportunities.