Middle East & North Africa


Conflict and Fragility

Policy briefs

Power & potential: The economics of Egyptian construction and ICT

25 May 2023 - 16:55
Source: ©Reuters - An aerial view of the site of 5th Compound district in east of Cairo, is pictured through the window of a plane, Egypt April 9, 2021

Young Egyptians’ dissatisfaction with their employment prospects was a key driver of protests in 2011 and 2013. Since then, the country’s political authorities have worked hard to create job opportunities for young Egyptians by boosting growth in the construction sector (infrastructure and public works), among other things. Since the sector also generates substantial revenues for the country’s power elite, this has been a win-win strategy in the short-term.


Conflict and Fragility


Dark comedy or tragedy? The dire straits of Iran's economy

24 May 2023 - 10:18
Source: A general view of Abadan oil refinery in southwest Iran, is pictured from Iraqi side of Shatt al-Arab in Al-Faw south of Basra ©Reuters
Blog series - Iran in transition: The Islamic Republic is no more while it lives on
In this blog, Madhi Ghodsi takes a hard look at the economic performance of Iran’s ruling elites and analyses some of its effects on livelihoods, social justice and protests.




With or without Erdoğan, we need to talk about refugees again

09 May 2023 - 13:00
Source: Syrian refugees walking on Turkey-Syria border in Suruc district on 18 February 2015 / Shutterstock
After years of tensions in EU-Turkey relations, a victory by Kılıçdaroğlu announced a number of changes long called for by the EU. However, this does not apply to the topic of migration and the reception of Syrian refugees in Turkey.


Conflict and Fragility


East of Eden: Will Tehran find salvation in ‘looking eastwards’?

25 Apr 2023 - 15:44
Source: Russian president Vladimir Putin and Ayatollah Khamenei of Iran in 2018 ©Khamenei.ir/Wikimedia Commons
Blog series - Iran in transition: The Islamic Republic is no more while it lives on
We examine Iran’s foreign relations with regard to the transitional state the country has entered into since the eruption of the 2022/2023 protests.



Reports and papers

Het Turkse diasporabeleid in Nederland

24 Apr 2023 - 06:01
Onderzoek naar het perspectief van de Turks-Nederlandse gemeenschappen en het diasporabeleid van Turkije
De invloed die de Turkse overheid heeft op Nederlanders met een Turkse achtergrond is veelvuldig onderwerp van debat. Er bestaat echter nog geen goed beeld hoe de Turks-Nederlandse gemeenschap zélf aankijkt tegen het Turkse diasporabeleid.


Conflict and Fragility

Reports and papers

The crisis of representation in the Kurdistan Region of Iraq

19 Apr 2023 - 16:44
Source: © Voice of America (Ahmad Zebari)

Any discussion about democratization starts with a discussion about representation because the latter is a necessary – but insufficient condition – for the former. How and by whom are policy preferences of citizens identified, aggregated and articulated in public debate and public decision-making? Does this happen in part or in full, for all citizens or just some? Assessing the ‘state of representation’ provides a lens for examining the democratic potential of a particular structure of power.


Conflict and Fragility


Lost in transition: Where might Iran be heading?

23 Mar 2023 - 11:55
Source: An Iran fan at the 2022 FIFA world cup is wearing a t-shirt with the message 'Woman life freedom' ©Reuters
Blog series - Iran in transition: The Islamic Republic is no more while it lives on
Triggered by the death in police custody of a young woman, Mahsa Amini, Iran’s 2022 anti-government protests shook the country and reverberated across the world. Something fundamental has changed in Iran. But what is it, exactly?


Conflict and Fragility

Reports and papers

Protests in Iran in comparative perspective

08 Mar 2023 - 09:31
Source: Thousands of supporters of defeated presidential candidate Mirhossein Mousavi block a road in Tehran June 17, 2009 ©Reuters
A revolutionary state in trouble
This report undertakes a comparative analysis of the protests in Iran in 2009, 2019 and 2022 in order to help understand what the future might look like. While the Islamic Republic of Iran arguably is no more, it nevertheless lives on


Conflict and Fragility

Policy briefs

The Egyptian political economy under al-Sisi

06 Mar 2023 - 11:54
Source: Shutterstock
Trading short-term gains for long-term costs
Since 2014, President al-Sisi has held closely to these principles but relied increasingly on Egypt’s military networks (part of the power elite) to boost economic growth. This strategy has produced short-term gains – informal jobs and an array of consumer goods – at the expense of long-term economic prospects.


Conflict and Fragility


Egypt versus the IMF: Is Cairo down and out?

01 Mar 2023 - 09:14
Source: Flicr/World Bank

In November 2022, the world turned its eyes to Sharm al-Sheikh (Egypt) which hosted the 2022 United Nations Climate Change Conference (COP27).