Middle East & North Africa


Conflict and Fragility

Syria After Civil War #3: Regional Militancy and Political Order
13 May 2019 11:30 - 14:00
Source: counterterrorbusiness.com
This lunch discussion, with Hans Wurzer, Marina Calculli, Fréderieke Geerdink and Erwin van Veen, is part of our Series of lunch discussions on Syria after Civil War.


Conflict and Fragility

Reports and papers

Libya. When Haftar Obliterates Years of Diplomacy

01 May 2019 - 08:53
Source: Orientxxi.info
On April 4, Khalifa Haftar launched a military offensive into Tripolitania, the country’s northwestern province, also the most densely populated one. After three weeks of fighting, the 25,000 soldiers of the self-proclaimed Libyan National Army remain blocked on the outskirts of Tripoli. But his offensive has already claimed one victim: diplomacy.


Conflict and Fragility

Policy briefs

The geopolitics of Syria's reconstruction: a case of matryoshka

23 Apr 2019 - 15:13
Source: Source: Delil Souleiman
The supply of, and demand for, the reconstruction of Syria is grossly mismatched in both focus and volume. This essay examines whether Russia, the United States, the European Union, Iran, Turkey, Saudi Arabia and Israel are likely to close, maintain or increase this gap.


Conflict and Fragility

When life returns to Mosul
18 Apr 2019 19:30 - 21:30
Documentary Screening and a follow-up panel by Humanity House and the Clingendael Institute on the destruction and revival of Mosul after defeating ISIS.


Security and Defence


The failure of drug control in Afghanistan

08 Apr 2019 - 10:04
Source: Wikimedia Commons - Burning hashish seized in Operation Albatross
An article that has been published in International Journal of Drug Policy by Jorrit Kamminga, on the drug control in Afghanistan.


Conflict and Fragility

Policy briefs

Democratie in Israel

03 Apr 2019 - 11:46
Source: An anonymous poster, which states 'they will not decide', on billboards against a number of journalists who have reported on criminal investigations involving Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu.

In het fundament van de Israëlische democratie zit illiberale houtrot die ervoor zorgt dat de verkiezingen van 9 april - ongeacht hun uitkomst - geen verschil zullen maken in de Palestijnse kwestie. Deze houtrot komt voort uit de spanning die al sinds 1948 bestaat tussen de wens om een nieuw land te creëren als thuishaven voor het Joodse volk en het gegeven dat het beoogde gebied, het toenmalige Palestina, reeds bewoond was. De oplossing voor dit spanningsveld was tot dusver vooral het benadrukken van een etnisch-nationalistische versie van de Joodse identiteit voor de staat Israël.


Conflict and Fragility


Libya’s Looming Contest for the Central Bank

02 Apr 2019 - 10:14
Source: Wikimedia Commons
Commentary on the eastern-Libyan-based commander Khalifa Haftar's advance on southwest of the country where oil fields concentrates.


Conflict and Fragility

Policy briefs

Six scenarios for pro-regime militias in ‘post-war’ Syria

01 Apr 2019 - 13:49
Source: EPA
Policy brief on six plausible scenarios for pro-regime militias in ''post-war'' Syria.


Conflict and Fragility


A big idea for a better response to Syrian displacement

26 Mar 2019 - 10:23
Source: Mustafa Khayat
The 3rd EU/UN conference on ‘Supporting the future of Syria and the region’ addressed the mobilisation of an impressive USD 7 billion. But current funding commitments did not tangibly improved the lives of many Syrian refugees. What lessons can be learned and how should the USD 7 billion raised in Brussels be spent?


Conflict and Fragility

Syria after Civil War #2: The geopolitics of Conflict
26 Mar 2019 12:00 - 14:00
Source: by Dominique Pineiro
This lunch discussion, with Monika Sie Dhian Ho, Rena Netjes, and Erwin van Veen, is part of our Series of lunch discussions on Syria after Civil War.