Middle East & North Africa


Conflict and Fragility


Who's afraid of Iraq's Hashd?

16 Sep 2019 - 16:32
Source: Voice of America
Fragmentation and consolidation
As these forces rolled back the Islamic State, they also sought to become more influential in the political and economic sphere. This is a introduction to a commentary that was originally published on War on the Rocks.


Conflict and Fragility

Reports and papers

The Hashd is dead, long live the Hashd!

25 Jul 2019 - 14:24
Source: Members of the Popular Mobilization Program march in formation with Iraqi national flags during a graduation / Cpl. John Baker
Fragmentation and consolidation
This entity aims to gradually increase its socioeconomic influence throughout Iraqi society by leveraging the legitimacy it derived from the fight against IS and by filling the gap created by the absence of public services and disappointing government performance.


Security and Defence

Reports and papers

Expert Insights: Strait of Hormuz

24 Jul 2019 - 09:24
Source: Strait of Hormuz / Quartz
We have created a compilation of our publications and expert comments in the media regarding Iran and the Strait of Hormuz in a broader perspective.

Jeremy Dommnich

Academy Programme Fellow


  • Diplomatic practice
  • Negotiation & mediation in conflict resolution


  • Asia
  • Middle East & North Africa

Jeremy J.R. Dommnich joined the Clingendael Institute in 2019. As Programme Fellow, he specializes on international negotiation, mediation, advocacy and persuasive communication. He has trained diplomats from over 120+ countries, ranging from junior to ambassador levels. He regularly provides trainings to high-ranking officials from the Dutch military, groups in armed conflict and humanitarian aid workers.


Security and Defence


Rebuilding Afghanistan in Times of Crisis

02 Jul 2019 - 20:19
Source: Ben Barber (USAID)
A Global Response

Rebuilding Afghanistan in Times of Crisis provides academics and researchers interested in planning, urbanism and conflict studies with a multidisciplinary, international assessment of the reconstruction and foreign aid efforts in Afghanistan. Our Senior Associate Fellow, Jorrit Kamminga, has written chapter six on Women, Peace and Security.



Ecological Peace in the Middle East: #Doable
04 Jul 2019 20:00 - 22:00
Source: Reuters
Jordan, Palestine and Israel are strongly divided on political and religious issues, however when it comes to climate risks, they have equal problems and they aim to solve this together.


Conflict and Fragility

Tunisia and the Risks Facing the Region
02 Sep 2019 16:00 - 18:00
Source: Photo Source - Fethi Belaid/AFP/Getty Images
Expert meeting on ‘The Transition Process in Tunisia and the Serious Challenges Facing the Region’ with the Minister of Foreign Affairs of Tunisia, Mr. Khemaies Jhinaoui.


Conflict and Fragility

Policy briefs

Turkey in northwestern Syria

04 Jun 2019 - 10:54
Source: File AA https://voiceofpeopletoday.com/olive-branch
Rebuilding empire at the margins
This policy brief analyses the official discourse and actual practices of Turkish control and reconstruction in northwestern Syria.


Conflict and Fragility

Policy briefs

Turkey in the Horn of Africa

27 May 2019 - 14:00
Source: UN Photo/Stuart Price
Between the Ankara Consensus and the Gulf Crisis
This brief explores Turkey’s increasingly active and assertive foreign policy and growing footprint in the Horn of Africa (especially in Somalia and Sudan).


Security and Defence

IS verslagen? En wat nu?
27 May 2019 18:30 - 19:30
Nu IS in de regio Syrië/Irak verslagen is, dringt zich de vraag op wat te doen met naar het conflictgebied vertrokken IS-strijders en hun families. Daarover bestaat verschil van mening. Wat is verstandig beleid?