Middle East & North Africa


Conflict and Fragility

Reports and papers

Local security governance in Libya

22 Oct 2018 - 10:22
Perceptions of security and protection in a fragmented country
How is local security governance functioning beyond formal institutions and how is this experienced by average Libyans? Our new research findings emphasize the need to take account of the full spectrum of local security providers, including informal actors that are trusted and considered legitimate.


Conflict and Fragility

Reports and papers

Monitoring aid implementation in conflict situations

26 Sep 2018 - 09:24
Source: NASA jpl.gov
Between a rock and a hard place. Monitoring aid implementation in situations of conflict
Short online study mapping key practices of how donors monitor the implementation of activities funded by their aid in conditions of conflict.


Conflict and Fragility

Policy briefs

How the Syrian regime controls refugee return: four tools

17 Sep 2018 - 17:00
Source: anjči from London, UK/Wikimedia Commons
More than half of Syria's population is currently living in exile. This Policy Brief identifies four tools the Syrian regime can use to control the return of refugees and IDPs.


Conflict and Fragility


The position of the Tebu vis-à-vis potential elections in Libya

11 Sep 2018 - 13:01
Source: Christina Nöbauer/Wikimedia Commons
Divided we stand - the position of the Tebu vis-à-vis potential elections in Libya
Chapter in a report on the complex situation in Libya and the road to elections and future of the reconciliation process.


Conflict and Fragility


Re-interpreting the notion of 'Useful Syria'

06 Sep 2018 - 16:02
Source: Wikimedia Commons
Loyalty over Geography: Re-interpreting the notion of 'Useful Syria'
The Idlib offensive is not the end of the civil war, but merely the next stage in the fight to retake Syria's north and east, says Matthias Sulz in his Syria Comment.


Conflict and Fragility


How anti-refugee narratives waste aid and human lives

04 Sep 2018 - 14:54
Source: Österreichische Aussenministerium/Wikimedia
How anti-refugee narratives waste international aid and human lives
In this op-ed in RefugeesDeeply, Ana Uzelac explains how in Lebanon erroneous narratives about refugees limit the ability of donor funding to improve refugees' well-being.


Conflict and Fragility

Refugees in Lebanon: despair or perspective?
06 Sep 2018 14:00 - 16:30
Source: Forced to grow up too soon in Lebanon: Mahmoud © UNHCR/S. Baldwin
Public event on the asylum and protection of Syrian refugees in Lebanon and the current EU policy.


Conflict and Fragility

Reports and papers

Leveraging funds & political capital in Lebanon’s refugee crisis

30 Jul 2018 - 08:58
Source: Flickr/UNHCR/S. Baldwin
New report analysing the challenges of implementing a ´protection in the region´ agenda in Lebanon, a country that hosts the highest number of refugees per capita in the world, and which has been the recipient of one of the largest per capita aid and support packages since 2016.


Conflict and Fragility

Policy briefs

How smartphones help Syrian refugees in Lebanon

30 Jul 2018 - 08:26
Urging international and Lebanese stakeholders to take steps to support the use of mobile phones as livelihood tools among Syrian refugees, this policy brief outlines measures that may cushion the impact of the high costs and allow for easier connectivity.


Conflict and Fragility

Reports and papers

Turkish foreign policy towards the Middle East from 2002 to 2018

23 Jul 2018 - 15:05
Source: Presidential Palace, Ankara / Wikimedia creative commons
Turkey's policies towards the Middle East have steadily become less predictable, more revisionist and less strategic - largely in function of its domestic politics.