Middle East & North Africa


Conflict and Fragility

Reports and papers

Pandora’s Box in Syria

28 May 2020 - 13:56
Source: Wikimedia Commons
Anticipating negative externalities of a re-entrenching regime
As the Syrian regime re-entrenches, its security, civil and economic practices will generate negative externalities for which Europe is not prepared.


Europe in the World

Reports and papers

Globalization Paradox and the Coronavirus pandemic

27 May 2020 - 10:17
Source: Graffiti / Unsplash
How to move forward beyond the emergency phase into recovery from the Covid-19 pandemic? Remco van de Pas makes a plea to policymakers for safeguarding and upholding democratic values.


Conflict and Fragility


A Covid-19 upgrade of EU engagement in the Middle East

25 May 2020 - 12:51
Source: Rock Cohen / Flickr
What the EU can offer the Middle-East
The corona crisis offers an opportunity for the European Union to shift away from great power politics in the Middle East and towards developmental assistance in the fields of ecology and socio-economics.



COVID-19 webinar met Minister Kaag & Corona gezant Feike Sijbesma
07 May 2020 15:15 - 16:15
Source: Families verlaten de hoofdstad, Antananarivo, van Madagascar tijdens de COVID-19 pandemie, World Bank Photo Collection / Flickr
Dit webinar wordt georganiseerd in samenwerking met Cordaid. Minister voor Buitenlandse Handel en Ontwikkelingssamenwerking Sigrid Kaag en Corona gezant Feike Sijbesma lichten hun visies uit.


Conflict and Fragility

Policy briefs

Covid-19 and conflict in the Middle East

30 Apr 2020 - 10:51
Source: Workers disinfect Tajrish bazaar against coronavirus, Student News Agency / Wikimedia Commons
Pandemic or pandemonium?
What are the longer-term impact of Covid-19 on conflicts across the Middle East? Things will get worse before they get better, but the crisis also offers opportunities for creative conflict resolution.


Security and Defence


Defence & Covid-19: Why budget cuts should be off the table

16 Apr 2020 - 11:00
Source: Mediacentrum Defensie
As the Corona virus spreads the globe, the military is increasingly called upon to face the front-lines of the battle against the virus. Yet, with economic threats, the military budget of countries is in jeopardy, why must budget-cuts be avoided?


Conflict and Fragility

Policy briefs

Tripoli's electricity crisis and its Politicisation

07 Apr 2020 - 15:01
Source: NASA
How the civil war affects life in Libya's capital
Since April, 2019, Libya has been at war. The electricity infrastructure has become collateral damage of the conflict and its maintenance has been neglected for years. How does this affect Libya's economy, and public safety?


Conflict and Fragility

Reports and papers

Security sector stabilisation and development in Libya

02 Apr 2020 - 14:29
Source: Tanks outside of Misrata © Wikimedia Commons
One thousand and one failings
After the fall of Qadhafi, multiple actors have attempted to repair centralised governance in Libya. Why did this fail, and what path must be taken when illustrating a post-conflict governance model?




The coronavirus stress test for the political establishment

01 Apr 2020 - 13:24
Source: Donald Trump joined by Mike Pence and members of the White House Coronavirus Task Force, takes questions from the press at a coronavirus update briefing Saturday, March 14, 2020 / The White House
The coronavirus crisis is reinforcing a shift in values that was already under way in Western society
The coronavirus crisis is reinforcing a shift in values that was already under way in Western society. If we are not vigilant, we will creep steadily towards a surveillance state.


Conflict and Fragility

Policy briefs

EU options for dealing with the Assad regime

30 Mar 2020 - 10:14
Source: Wikimedia Commons
Hope springs eternal
With the Syrian civil war entering its ninth year, the European Union is considering options on a policy towards the Assad regime.