Sub Saharan Africa


Conflict and Fragility

Policy briefs

Promoting diaspora investment in fragile settings: The case of Somalia

30 Aug 2023 - 09:00
Source: ©Reuters
This policy brief analyses the extent to which diaspora investment in Somalia can support economic development and livelihoods, with a particular focus on fragile settings.


Conflict and Fragility

Policy briefs

Digital Dichotomy

23 Aug 2023 - 17:37
Source: ©Shutterstock
Opportunities and Challenges of Digitalization in Fragile Settings
This policy brief examines the implications of digitalization in Fragile and Conflict-Affected Situations (FCS). Digitalization has a transformative potential but simultaneously presents distinctive challenges.


Europe in the World

Policy briefs

Unravelling Turkish involvement in the Sahel

28 Jul 2023 - 13:36
Source: Turkey's involvement in the Sahel / Clingendael visual, edited by Textcetera
Geopolitics and local impact
In the past decade, Turkey has significantly expanded its engagement in Africa, leading to concerns within the EU that this influence might be used to undermine EU policy and member states. This policy brief analyses the strategic motives and evolution of Turkish involvement in the Sahel region.


Conflict and Fragility


Chief or Big-Man Politics in Post-War Sierra Leone?

21 Jul 2023 - 10:07
Source: No10 Downing Street / Flickr - president of Sierra Leone, Julius Maada Bio
Since African independence there has been extensive debate over how African power is organized. The transposition of a Western Weberian state (bureaucratic, some form of a balance of power, constitution and elections) met systems of governance that pre-dated colonial rule and others heavily shaped by it.


Conflict and Fragility


Experts Insights: Sudan

23 Jun 2023 - 10:00
Source: Reuters
The fighting that has erupted in the East African country of Sudan is a direct result of a vicious power struggle within the country's military leadership. The clashes are between the regular army and a paramilitary force called the Rapid Support Forces (RSF). 


Europe in the World

Policy briefs

Inclusive Carbon Pricing: Pathways to Multilateral Cooperation

09 Jun 2023 - 15:52
Source: ©Reuters

This policy brief was first published by T20

Carbon pricing is an essential tool in addressing the threat of climate change and leveraging investment directed for sustainable energy. But it also poses challenges from an international trade perspective, particularly when paired with carbon border adjustment mechanisms (CBAMs). Several G20 members are already developing policy tools of this kind without coordination.


Conflict and Fragility

Reports and papers

Twilight Institutions

10 May 2023 - 18:00
Source: Julien Gerard
Land conflict and hybrid authorities in Benin’s Borgou department
The Borgou Department in Northern Benin has seen communal conflict over the past few years. The introduction of land reforms by successive governments has tended to reinforce the feeling of insecurity among essentially illiterate farmers and herders. What can be done to make land reform work more effectively in the interest of farmers and herders in Benin?


Conflict and Fragility


To stop the war in Sudan, bankrupt the warlords

03 May 2023 - 15:59
Source: Reuters
Cutting off finance to Sudan’s generals can pressure them to stop the fighting
A conflict between Sudan’s two largest armed actors, the Sudanese Armed Forces (SAF) and the Rapid Support Forces (RSF), has ravaged the country. Cutting off finance to Sudan’s generals can pressure them to stop the fighting.



Strategic Autonomy in Health? The issue of Global Access
09 May 2023 15:00 - 16:30
Source: Shutterstock
What does strategic autonomy in medical products mean in Europe and what does it mean in Africa? What is the African public health perspective on this issue? What role can the EU and the Netherlands play regarding technology transfer and IP sharing and protection? Join the third edition of the online Global Health Webinar series and participate in the discussion!


Conflict and Fragility


France Shifts Gears in the Sahel as Russia’s Influence Grows

18 Apr 2023 - 11:24
Source: ©Reuters - Russian President Vladimir Putin meets Mali interim President Assimi Goita during Russia-Africa summit in Saint Petersburg, Russia, July 27, 2023

This article was previously published by WPR on 18 April 2023.