Sub Saharan Africa


Conflict and Fragility


Beyond good versus evil: fighting Somalia's perpetual war

12 Oct 2011 - 12:03

The country has suffered de facto secessions, appalling destruction and humanitarian disasters - but still both the war and the Somali people march on. Can the international community help find a way out of conflict in Somalia, or is it blundering into yet another category mistake?


Conflict and Fragility

Policy briefs

Renforcement de la Securité en République Démocratique du Congo

07 Sep 2011 - 16:23
Strategies tenant compte des dynamiques relatives aux sexospécificités pour lutter contre les violence sexuelles

De manière générale, les initiatives actuellement mises en oeuvre par la communauté internationale pour lutter contre les viols en République démocratique du Congo ne sont pas adaptées à la manière dont la masculinité et la féminité sont réalisées par rapport aux violences sexuelles au sortir du conflit armé. Cet élément est susceptible d'entraver leur efficacité.


Conflict and Fragility

Policy briefs

Increasing security in DR Congo

01 Jun 2011 - 12:42
Gender-responsive strategies for combating sexual violence

Sexual violence in the DRC is gendered. Not only is this violence gendered in how it is performed, but also in how it can be fought against. Prevailing over gender related violence means dismantling the ongoing tensions between men and women related to prescribed gender norms, roles, and identities. In providing this analysis, this brief aims to inform donors, as well as (international) non-governmental organizations (I-NGOs) how an intensified focus on the gender-dimensions of violence will improve programmatic effectiveness in the fight against sexual violence in the DRC context.


Europe in the World


Enhancing Maritime Security Governance

31 May 2011 - 17:17
This article addresses the question of how Asian and European countries that are active in naval operations against Somali piracy can contribute to more effective and thus enhanced maritime security governance.




The reality has taken over europe's realpolitiek

10 Mar 2011 - 15:53


The wind of the jasmine revolution that started in Tunisia brought down an iron curtain in the Arab world. Blowing on midan al-Tahrir in Cairo, new protests in Bahrain, Algeria, Morocco, Yemen and Jordan are going on.


Conflict and Fragility

Reports and papers

A brief analysis of the Failed States Index 2005-2010

04 Mar 2011 - 14:20
Several indices track developments in fragility, usually on the basis of a set of political, socio-economic and security indicators. The Fund for Peace has been publishing such an index since 2005. This paper analyzes the developments in fragility this index tracks, in an attempt to gain further insights into the phenomenon of fragility that can inform policy formulation. It shows a fairly constant level of global fragility and flags specific indicators that stand out in particular. The analysis re-emphasizes the long-term nature of fragility. It also suggests that effective international engagement requires the ability to engage in a broad set of areas in an integrated manner and on the basis of context-specific analysis. This raises significant challenges for donors and multilateral agencies as it demands a high degree of organizational coherence, strategic alignment and dedicated yet flexible resources.


Conflict and Fragility


Southern Sudan's Self-Determination Referendum - Two narratives

15 Feb 2011 - 15:16

The recent vote on whether Southern Sudan will remain part of a united Sudan or found its own state has left me confused. Having had the opportunity to witness this event firsthand, the euphoria and outcries of relief that dominate preliminary reflections on the process make me feel somewhat uncomfortable. In an attempt to do justice to my personal experiences and perceptions, I would like to present two narratives, both of which match my direct and indirect observations.


Conflict and Fragility

Policy briefs

Southern Sudan: the new kid on the block?

01 Apr 2010 - 12:31
Assessing the neighbourhood on the threshold of Southern Sudan's self-determination referendum

As Sudan has entered the final and most critical year of its post-war transition period, the other countries comprising the Horn and central Africa are on the alert. Southern Sudan's self-determination referendum, scheduled for January 2011, could result in partition of the country and may possibly prompt the resurgence of violent North-South conflict. In any case, the emergence of an independent South would have profound regional implications.