Sub Saharan Africa


Conflict and Fragility

Policy briefs

Corona and the Sahel: Lessons from Ebola

07 May 2020 - 09:14
Source: People take precautions in Mali against COVID-19 (coronavirus). Photo: World Bank / Ousmane Traore
Who will lead the response to Covid-19 in areas of the Sahel where there is no functioning state? Traditional authorities can help respond to Covid-19.



COVID-19 webinar met Minister Kaag & Corona gezant Feike Sijbesma
07 May 2020 15:15 - 16:15
Source: Families verlaten de hoofdstad, Antananarivo, van Madagascar tijdens de COVID-19 pandemie, World Bank Photo Collection / Flickr
Dit webinar wordt georganiseerd in samenwerking met Cordaid. Minister voor Buitenlandse Handel en Ontwikkelingssamenwerking Sigrid Kaag en Corona gezant Feike Sijbesma lichten hun visies uit.


Conflict and Fragility

Policy briefs

Burkina Faso’s Rocky Road to Democratic Consolidation

06 Apr 2020 - 09:15
Source: EU Civil Protection and Humanitarian Aid / Flickr
In 2014, Burkina Faso's 27-year president had been overthrown in a popular uprising, paving way for the country to democratise. Yet, the upcoming elections face some serious troubles.


Conflict and Fragility


The Upcoming Malian Legislative Elections

28 Mar 2020 - 10:42
Source: Pixnio
Conflict, COVID, and Weak Governance

The political process that followed the 2015 Peace agreement in Mali depends on the legitimation associated with elections – even if they are only pro-forma. As the world worries that measures to contain COVID-19 may lead to authoritarian backlash in contemporary democracies, the fact that legislative elections scheduled for this Sunday are going forward seems a counterexample. However, the constraints on the electoral process risk rendering this election just another task on a long checklist, and, ultimately, a farce.




The culture and politics of the coronavirus

21 Mar 2020 - 12:00
Source: Michael Amadeus / Unsplash
Anyone who looks around the world and thinks through the long-term consequences of the crisis will be aware that coronavirus policy is culturally determined and involves key political choices, and that the crisis represents a defining moment for European politics.





01 Jul 2024 - 15:22
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The COVID-19 pandemic will shape global health governance, national security policies, global trade relations as well as the future of the EU. Read our fresh insights and in-depth analysis on the virus’ impact on international relations.

The COVID-19 pandemic will shape global health governance, national security policies, global trade relations as well as the future of the EU. Read our fresh insights and in-depth analysis on the virus’ impact on international relations.

Conflict and Fragility

Streamlining the value chain in times of COVID-19

23 Jul 2020 - 11:58

Conflict and Fragility

COVID-19 Impact on the value chain

22 Jun 2020 - 09:28

Europe in the World

Podcast: Digital Connectivity in times of COVID-19

25 Jun 2020 - 10:02

Conflict and Fragility
COVID-19 Impact on the Value Chain in Latin America
07 Jul 2020 - 10:00
Conflict and Fragility
COVID-19 in West Africa: Impact on the Value Chains
22 Jun 2020 - 11:46
Conflict and Fragility
The impact of COVID-19 measures on Indonesian value chains
22 Jun 2020 - 11:29
Security and Defence
Covid-19: de geopolitieke gevolgen voor de EU
09 Jun 2020 - 16:00
Security and Defence
COVID-19 and the Dutch defence technological and industrial base
26 May 2020 - 10:29
Europe in the World
Globalization Paradox and the Coronavirus pandemic
27 May 2020 - 10:17
Conflict and Fragility
A Covid-19 upgrade of EU engagement in the Middle East
25 May 2020 - 12:51
The politics of Covid-19 in the Sahel
13 May 2020 - 12:55
Security and Defence
Could the Corona Crisis Strengthen Due Diligence in Cyberspace?
13 May 2020 - 09:14
Security and Defence
Covid-19 and defence: the need for EU funding
07 May 2020 - 14:42
Conflict and Fragility
Covid-19 and conflict in the Middle East
30 Apr 2020 - 10:51
Covid-19 and Europe-China Relations
29 Apr 2020 - 10:23
Security and Defence
Defence & Covid-19: Why budget cuts should be off the table
16 Apr 2020 - 11:00
Conflict and Fragility
Corona and the Sahel: Lessons from Ebola
07 May 2020 - 09:14
Security and Defence
Corona: EU’s existential crisis
01 Apr 2020 - 11:56
Security and Defence
Covid-19 and defence: the need for EU funding
07 May 2020 - 14:42
The culture and politics of the coronavirus
21 Mar 2020 - 12:00
Responding to the coronavirus outbreak
12 Mar 2020 - 16:05
China and the geopolitics of the coronavirus
26 Feb 2020 - 15:32
Europe and the EU
De euro valt niet en Nederland is niet gek geworden
31 Mar 2020 - 09:25
18 Mar 2020 - 17:12
Will modernity survive the Corona infection?
18 Mar 2020 - 17:05
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Staff involved
Monika Sie Dhian Ho
General Director
Frans-Paul van der Putten
Senior Research Associate
Louise van Schaik
Head of Unit EU & Global Affairs/ Senior Research Fellow
Rem Korteweg
Senior Research Fellow/Head of Strategic Initiatives & Outreach
Bob Deen
Senior Research Fellow / Head Security Unit / Coordinator Russia and Eastern Europe Centre
Maaike Okano-Heijmans
Senior Research Fellow
Peter van Ham
Senior Research Fellow / Clingendael Spectator
Ko Colijn
Senior Research Fellow
Luuk van Middelaar
Senior Research Associate
Ingrid d'Hooghe
Senior Research Fellow
Remco van de Pas
Senior Research Associate


Conflict and Fragility


Podcast: Empowering African women in peace negotiations

04 Mar 2020 - 11:46
Source: Training African women in March 2019
Interview with Ron Ton by South Africa's Ubuntu Radio
When it comes to empowering women, Clingendael has a longstanding partnership with the South African Ministry of Foreign Affairs. In this podcast Ron Ton shares his knowledge and experience on negotiation & mediation in conflict resolution.

Listen to the podcast:

Christian Kuitert

Knowledge Broker Knowledge Platform Security & Rule of Law


  • Conflict and Fragility
  • Security and Justice


  • Middle East & North Africa
  • Sub Saharan Africa

Christian Kuitert joined Clingendael's Knowledge Platform for Security & Rule of Law (KPSRL) in February 2020. For KPSRL, Christian focuses on the link between policy and evidence on themes like access to justice, security sector reform, human security, peacebuilding or inclusive governance. Moreover, he is the secretariat’s liaison with the Ministry of Foreign Affairs and coordinates the research uptake for policy purposes.

My work



Conflict and Fragility

Reports and papers

La fin du statu quo ?

19 Feb 2020 - 15:38
Source: Djermakoye Amadou Seyni Magagi, Harikanassou, Boboye, Niger. Chef traditionnele du Kanton de Kiota, Harikanassou, Boboye, Niger. © Alfred Weidinger | All Rights Reserved
La légitimité des autorités coutumières dans les zones de gouvernance hybride au Mali, au Niger et en Libye
Au Sahel et en Afrique du nord, de nombreux États ne sont que faiblement présents dans leurs propres régions frontalières.


Europe in the World

Reports and papers

World Climate and Security Report 2020

13 Feb 2020 - 16:15
Source: ? U.S. Army Service Members return to the U.S. Virgin Islands to assist with disaster relief operations in response to Hurricanes Irma and Maria, Sept. 23, 2017. U.S U.S. Army / Pvt. AlleeA Oliver/released
“climate-proofing” international security
“Climate change poses significant risks to global security, which could become catastrophic in the next two decades," says Tom Middendorp at the launch event of the report, at #MSC2020.