Sub Saharan Africa


Conflict and Fragility

Reports and papers

Exploration du risque d'extrémisme violent à la frontière entre le nord du Bénin et le Nigeria

18 Jun 2024 - 14:39
Source: Tempête de sable à Arewa Dandi Kangiwa - Argungu Road Kebbi State, nord-ouest du Nigeria. © Irene Becker
Liaisons dangereuses

Pendant plus d'une décennie, chercheurs et politiques ont craint un lien entre les groupes extrémistes du Sahel et le bassin du lac Tchad. Depuis 2014, des études soulignent le potentiel malheureux du Bénin à servir de charnière géographique. Jusqu'à présent, les preuves ont été largement absentes.


Conflict and Fragility

Reports and papers

Exploring the risk of violent extremism along the border between Northern Benin and Nigeria

18 Jun 2024 - 14:38
Source: Sandstorm in Arewa Dandi Kangiwa - Argungu Road Kebbi State, northwest Nigeria. © Irene Becker
Dangerous Liaisons
In the cross-border Borgou region (Benin), a collaboration between Nigerian and Sahelian insurgents is in the making along Benin’s border with Nigeria. These signals are extremely concerning, and action is needed.


Conflict and Fragility


The Sahel’s new geopolitics

17 Jun 2024 - 11:29
Source: Reuters
“Sovereignty” means never having to say you’re sorry
The ongoing American military exit from Niger has focused international attention not just on the Sahel, but on the swirling and increasingly complex geopolitics in the region.

Malte Lierl

Senior Research Fellow


  • Conflict and Fragility


  • Sub Saharan Africa

Malte Lierl has over 15 years of experience at the intersection of research and international development cooperation. He specializes in governance, political economy and state-society relations. He has worked on problems of decentralization and local public service delivery, local government performance, citizen engagement, corruption, transparency and accountability, as well as informal and hybrid governance. 

My work



Conflict and Fragility

Policy briefs

Stabilisation and the Central Sahel

29 May 2024 - 09:50
Source: German soldiers from the UN contingent MINUSMA stand together during a visit of German Defence Minister von der Leyen to Camp Castor in Gao / Reuters
Supporting the state?

The international community hasn’t been successful in its efforts to support ‘stabilisation’ in the central Sahel. To learn lessons from recent engagement, this policy brief seeks to make three contributions to an already long list of ‘strategic misfits’.


Conflict and Fragility


Sudan: From hunger to death

24 May 2024 - 16:33
Source: Community kitchen in Khartoum
An estimate of excess mortality in Sudan, based on currently available information
A scenario in which the hungriest people are given small amounts of extra food by others leads to an estimated excess mortality of about 2.5 million people.


Conflict and Fragility


Political unrest and migration in Senegal

30 Apr 2024 - 13:01
Source: Migrant boats in the Canary Islands / Reuters
Fighting for a future
Combating irregular migration became a way of supporting the repression carried out by the Senegalese authorities, largely because of the absence of legal pathways for migration.


Conflict and Fragility


Internet Lifeline Sudan

11 Apr 2024 - 11:23
Source: El Tayeb Siddig / Reuters
Ensuring unhindered internet access is key to helping the Sudanese people survive the war
Telecommunications disruptions have taken place against the backdrop of a violent war between the Sudanese Armed Forces (SAF) and the Rapid Support Forces (RSF), which in their reckless competition for power have dragged the whole country and its 45 million people into an abyss.


Conflict and Fragility

Sounding the alarm on Sudan’s hunger crisis
06 Mar 2024 16:00 - 17:30
Source: ©Reuters
Clingendael's Anette Hoffmann and fellow experts discuss the scale of the Sudan food crisis and the urgent next steps required.


Conflict and Fragility

Policy briefs

From Catastrophe to Famine: Immediate action needed in Sudan to contain mass starvation

08 Feb 2024 - 15:26
Source: Food distribution Omdurman - Sudan / Reuters
This policy brief assesses the consequences of the conflict in Sudan on the country's food system, attributing the food shortages to the deliberate policies of Sudanese generals. The brief predicts a catastrophic situation with seven million people facing famine by June 2024, which entails that urgent action is needed.