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Niels Drost
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Showing 20 from 20 result(s)


Test uithoudingsvermogen op alle fronten
MigrationReports and papers
Experts insights: Russia and Ukraine
Security and DefenceMultimedia
Christmas Reads 2023
Europe in the WorldMultimedia

Christmas Reads 2023

20 December 202312:30
Uitdagingen bij een langdurige oorlog
MigrationReports and papers
After Putin, the deluge?
Russia & Eastern EuropeReports and papers

After Putin, the deluge?

2 October 202312:40
Russian influence in Serbia, Bosnia and Herzegovina, and Montenegro
Russia & Eastern EuropeReports and papers
Oekraïense en Russische gemeenschappen in Nederland
EU integrationReports and papers
In gespannen afwachting van het lente-offensief
MigrationReports and papers
Beschermingsopdracht Oekraïense ontheemden
MigrationReports and papers
Military capabilities affected by climate change
Security and DefenceReports and papers
Christmas reads & must-watch videos 2022
Europe in the WorldArticles
Putin and the Third Rome
Russia & Eastern EuropeArticles

Putin and the Third Rome

21 December 202213:22
Humanitaire condities in Oekraïne kritiek
MigrationReports and papers
Gestage toename beschermingsopdracht Oekraïense ontheemden
MigrationReports and papers
Global food insecurity due to the war in Ukraine
Security and DefenceAlerts
How Vladimir Putin uses the history of the Russian Empire
Russia & Eastern EuropeAlerts
Tadzjikistan en Kirgizië: een gevecht om water, grond en grenzen
Russia & Eastern EuropeArticles
Eensgezinde rivalen: Poetin, Erdoğan en de worsteling van de NAVO
Security and DefenceArticles