
Europe in the World

Europe in the World

EU-ASEAN think tank exchange

31 Aug 2024 - 21:39
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Commissioned research


From 2021 to 2024, The Clingendael Institute and the Cambodian Institute for Cooperation and Peace (CICP) implemented a three-year project aimed at enhancing sustainable EU-ASEAN cooperation and supporting common interests and shared values in the areas of digital connectivity (2021), the twin transition of green and digital (2022), and climate adaptation (2023). This project was supported by the European Union and the Netherlands Ministry of Foreign Affairs.

The project contributed to increased engagement between EU and ASEAN academic, political and economic stakeholders. Over the past few years, the Clingendael Institute and CICP organised several meetings to create mutual understanding and better connect experts from each region respectively. Each year, the team oranised 4 closed roundtables with experts, policymakers and civil society organisations, and 1 public event which is available to watch back on YouTube.

Moreover, the team released several publications with recommendations for the EU and ASEAN to increase cooperation and strengthen their strategic partnership. An essay competition for students and young professionals was also organised and the 3 best essays were published Winners of the green and digital essay competition | Clingendael

The project was closed with a high-level conference "Partners for a transformed future: Strengthening EU-ASEAN cooperation on the green and digital transition" that took place in Siem Reap Cambodia on November 2nd. The key takeaways are available on this website.

Below is an overview of the key activities of the project:derstanding and better connect experts from each region respectively. Below is an overview of the publications and meetings.






 This project was conducted with the financial support of the European Union. Its activities are the sole responsibility of the Clingendael Institute and CICP and do not necessarily reflect the views of the European Union.

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Louise van Schaik
Head of Unit EU & Global Affairs/ Senior Research Fellow
Giulia Cretti
Research Fellow
Maaike Okano-Heijmans
Senior Research Fellow
Sarah Lokenberg
Junior Research Fellow