Evelynne Stins

Junior Engagement and Outreach Officer - Knowledge Platform Security & Rule of Law


  • International security
  • Strategic thinking


  • Americas
  • Asia

Evelynne Stins is the Junior Engagement and Outreach Officer for the Knowledge Platform Security and Rule of Law. In this capacity she fosters the Platform’s engagement with the wider security and rule of law network, both within and outside The Netherlands, through external communications efforts, design, events and logistics. Prior to joining KPSRL, Evelynne interned at the Netherlands Helsinki Committee and worked with the Hague Humanity Hub’s Just Peace program as well. 

She is currently finishing her BA in Liberal Arts and Sciences: World Politics at Leiden University College, and intends on pursuing her Master’s this fall. Her research interests are in peace and conflict studies and crisis and conflict management, specifically regarding the US geopolitics. 

My work