Stefan Kok

Research Fellow


  • Europe and the EU
  • Migration
  • EU Migration

Stefan Kok is Research Fellow at the EU & Global Affairs Unit at Clingendael. His field of expertise mainly concerns international and European refugee and asylum law, the externalisation of refugee protection, legal migration pathways, the asylum and migration nexus and the politics of asylum and migration in the EU and European context.

Stefan is currently also a senior lecturer at the Leiden University of Applied Sciences. He was a senior lecturer and researcher at the Institute of Immigration Law of the Leiden University. Stefan studied general law and European law at the University of Utrecht.  Stefan has over 15 of experience as a legal researcher. For 10 years he was a policy advisor and strategy analyst in the field of asylum and (forced) migration from an international, European and national perspective for the Dutch Council for Refugees/ECRE. He is also a member of the board of editors of a legal magazine on asylum and immigration law (Asiel&Migrantenrecht).

My work

