
Clingendael Academy Director Ron Ton receives an honor award from the Bulgarian Diplomatic Institute
30 Oct 2013 - 15:21
Source: Bulgarian Diplomatic Institute

This year the Bulgarian Diplomatic Institute (BDI) celebrates its 10th anniversary. The BDI was established with the assistance of the Clingendael Institute, with financial support of the Dutch Ministry of Foreign Affairs. Mr. Ron Ton played an important role in the establishment and development of the BDI.

In these ten years, the BDI developed into a solid and regional diplomatic training institute for the Central European and Balkan region. As part of the celebration on October 17-18 a regional conference on the challenges of the diplomatic service took place, with debates on the new challenges in diplomacy and the consequences for diplomatic training.

Thereby, Ron Ton outlined the innovative plans for modernization of the Dutch diplomatic service in a panel. During the ceremony Ron Ton was honored for his initiative, knowledge and personal commitment with the establishment of the BDI. He received the award together with Dr. Zdravko Popov, the first director of the institute.

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Panel with Mr. Kristian Vigenin, Bulgarian Minister of Foreign Affairs, Ms. Tanya Mihaylova, Director of the Bulgarian Diplomatic Institute, Mr. Solomon Passy, Former Bulgarian Minister of Foreign Affairs and Mr. Ron Ton, Director Clingendael Academy

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Ron Ton together with BDI’s Ms. Biliana Decheva, Ms. Tanya Mihaylova, Ms. Adelina Tomova and Mr. Tom van Oorschot, NL Ambassador to Bulgaria 

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Ambassador Ivan Stancioff, President, National Advisory Board and Ron Ton

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Ron Ton expressing his words of thanks