Sabine Hillen

Academy Project Fellow


  • Diplomatic practice
  • Negotiation & mediation in conflict resolution
  • Personal effectiveness

Sabine Hillen joined the Clingendael Institute in September 2023 as an Academy Project Fellow. In this capacity, her primary focus involves the development, coordination, and implementation of training programmes tailored to diverse audiences, including foreign diplomats, humanitarian workers, and (insider) mediators. 

Prior to Clingendael, Sabine was engaged at an institute specialising in the creation of online crisis simulations, offering students an innovative approach to comprehending conflicts. In addition, she made significant contributions to various reports drawn from insights derived from these simulations, data analysis and research. Furthermore, Sabine conducted research on the role of education as a reconciliation tool in various post-conflict settings, with a particular emphasis on post-genocide Rwanda. 

Sabine holds an Advanced MSc in International Relations & Diplomacy from the University of Leiden and possesses certificates in negotiation and mediation. She has also earned a Bachelor's degree in Liberal Arts and Sciences (cum laude), majoring in both International Relations and International Development.